Jashan + Cassie | New York City Anniversary Photoshoot

Jashan and Cassie are two of our very close friends. Andy and Mitch photographed and filmed their lovely wedding back in 2015 at Gabbinbar Homestead. It was a beautiful day and Andy even snapped an award-winning image during the evening.

The very very cool one with boys smoking cigars? Yep, that’s the one! That’s Jashan and his brothers. Jashan is also a wedding photographer located in the Gold Coast, Australia, so imagine how privileged we felt when we knew he wanted us to look after these memories for him.

Fast forward to 2017 when we receive a phone call from Jashan asking if we want to fly to New York and do an anniversary photo shoot for them. Of course we said YES! And here we are, sharing those iconic New York City moments.

To describe this day with two words, it would have to be memorable but cold!! The first stop was Central Park and it was absolutely freezing! Despite snow on the forecast, we definitely enjoyed what this famous park had to offer. Needing to warm up frosty fingers, we then headed to the streets in East Village Manhattan for a hot chocolate.

Then to the highlight of the day – shooting in the middle of the Grand Central Station in rush hour. Andy wanted to do a long exposure shot, so Jashan and Cassie would remain still in the picture while the commuters passed by in a blur. As you could imagine, doing this in peak hour was very challenging and fun, but he nailed it!

The last stop was Times Square. Think the Theatre District – neon signs, yellow cabs, and rush, rush, rush! Crossing the streets in one of the busiest intersections in the world and shooting at the same time – Andy said the experience was, “memorable.” Ha!

All we had to say is that these two lovebirds were so easy and relaxed. We just want to say thank you to Jashan and Cassie for flying us to New York and trusting us again with your anniversary photoshoot. It was indeed a memorable day and we hope you like the photos as much as we do.

Till the next adventure guys, stay tuned.